The Impact of COVID-19 on New Zealand’s Tech Industry


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic effect on New Zealand’s tech industry. With restrictions on travel and social distancing rules in place, tech companies have been forced to quickly adjust the way they operate. Many have seen an increase in demand for their products and services, while others have had to shift their focus and focus on staying afloat. In this article, we look at the impact of COVID-19 on New Zealand’s tech industry and how businesses have adapted.

Increased Demand for Online Services

One of the biggest impacts of COVID-19 on New Zealand’s tech industry has been an increased demand for online services. With social distancing restrictions in place, more and more people are turning to the internet to stay connected. This has led to a surge in demand for services such as streaming, videoconferencing, and online shopping. Many tech companies have been able to capitalise on this demand and have seen a significant increase in sales.

For example, streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify have seen an increase in subscribers as people look for entertainment in isolation. Videoconferencing services like Zoom have also experienced a surge in usage as people look to stay connected with colleagues and friends. And online shopping sites such as Amazon have seen an increase in sales as people look for ways to get the items they need without leaving the house.

Adapting Business Models to Survive

While some tech businesses have seen an increase in demand, others have had to find ways to stay afloat. Many companies have had to quickly pivot their business model in order to deal with the pandemic. This has involved introducing new services, developing new products, and adapting existing ones.

For example, some companies have shifted their focus to offer more online services. This has involved developing new software and tools that allow users to access their services remotely. They have also introduced new customer support channels such as live chat, teleconferencing, and email to communicate with customers during the pandemic.

Other companies have turned to e-commerce to help them stay afloat. This has involved setting up online stores and partnerships with delivery services so they can continue to offer their products and services during the pandemic.

Opportunities for Growth

While the effects of COVID-19 have been negative for some tech companies, it has also presented opportunities for growth. The pandemic has prompted people to adopt technologies they may not have previously considered, such as artificial intelligence and automation. This has led to an increase in demand for these tools and services, and has created opportunities for tech companies to expand their offerings.

The changes forced by the pandemic have also accelerated digital transformation in many businesses. Companies have had to make use of the latest technologies to stay competitive, and this has created opportunities for tech companies to provide services such as cloud computing and digital marketing.

Finally, the pandemic has also seen an increase in venture capital investments. With the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, investors are increasingly looking for tech companies with innovative products and services that can help them weather the storm.


COVID-19 has had a dramatic effect on New Zealand’s tech industry. While some companies have been able to capitalise on the increased demand for online services, others have had to adapt their business models to survive. However, the pandemic has also presented opportunities for growth, with new technologies being adopted and venture capital investments increasing.

In the end, it is clear that the effects of COVID-19 on New Zealand’s tech industry are here to stay. The pandemic has been a catalyst for change, and it is up to businesses to find ways to make the most of these changes and stay competitive in the future.