The Tech Industry in New Zealand and Cybercrime

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New Zealand is a small country with a big tech industry. Lofty goals of being the world’s most innovative and digitally enabled country have been set by the government, and the local tech industry is on the path to making this a reality. However, even with these ambitious goals, the tech industry in New Zealand has not been immune to cybercrime. This article will explore the tech industry in New Zealand, the prevalence of cybercrime, and what can be done to protect from it.

The Tech Industry in New Zealand

The tech industry in New Zealand is growing rapidly. In the last few years, the country has seen an influx of venture capital investment and significant growth in the tech sector. New Zealand’s tech industry is particularly strong in software development and cloud computing. The government has implemented initiatives such as the Digital Skills Partnership to help foster this growth and foster collaboration between industry and education.

New Zealand is also home to numerous tech startups, ranging from innovative health-tech companies to innovative fin-tech firms. These startups are largely supported by the government, which provides funding and grants to help promote the growth of these businesses. This support has helped make New Zealand an attractive destination for tech entrepreneurs and investors.

The government’s commitment to digital innovation has resulted in a number of successes for the tech industry in New Zealand. It is estimated that the tech industry generates approximately NZD $8.7 billion in revenue each year, and this number is expected to grow. With the number of tech startups increasing and the government’s commitment to digital innovation, the tech industry in New Zealand is well positioned to continue to grow.

The Prevalence of Cybercrime in New Zealand

Unfortunately, with the growth of the tech industry in New Zealand comes an increased risk of cybercrime. The threat of cybercrime is a major concern for the country, with reports of attacks increasing every year. There have been numerous reports of ransomware, malware, and phishing attacks on New Zealand businesses and individuals.

The government has implemented a number of strategies to combat cybercrime. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is tasked with protecting critical national infrastructure from cyber threats and provides guidance to help protect businesses and individuals from cybercrime. There are also a number of initiatives and programmes aimed at educating the public about the threat of cybercrime and how to protect from it.

Protecting Against Cybercrime

In order to protect against cybercrime, individuals and businesses must take the necessary steps to secure their networks and data. Below are some tips that can help protect against cybercrime:

  • Set strong passwords – Use a mix of letters, numbers and symbols when creating a password and change it regularly.
  • Keep systems updated – Install any available software and operating system updates to ensure security vulnerabilities are patched.
  • Be aware of phishing scams – Be wary of suspicious emails and avoid clicking on links or attachments.
  • Use a firewall – Set up a firewall to protect your network from unauthorised access.
  • Back up data regularly – Make sure all data is backed up regularly to ensure that it can be recovered in the event of a cyber attack.

Cybersecurity is a growing concern in New Zealand, but with the right precautions, individuals and businesses can protect themselves from cybercrime.

The tech industry in New Zealand is growing rapidly and the government is committed to supporting digital innovation. Unfortunately, with this growth comes the threat of cybercrime. By taking the necessary steps to secure networks and data, individuals and businesses can protect themselves from cybercrime and continue to benefit from the growth of the tech industry.