The State of the New Zealand Auto-Body Repair Industry

The auto-body repair industry in New Zealand is an important factor in ensuring the safety and reliability of vehicles traveling the country’s roads. Current trends suggest that the industry is well-positioned to continue providing New Zealand with a robust auto-body repair service in the coming years.

Growth of the Industry

The auto-body repair industry in New Zealand has seen steady growth in recent years. Statistics from the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment indicated that the auto-body repairs industry generated nearly $2 billion in revenue for the 2020 financial year. This is an increase of 2.3% from the previous year.

In terms of employment, the auto-body repairs industry currently employs around 5,000 workers. This number is expected to increase over the next five years due to ongoing investment in the sector. The number of auto-body repair shops has also seen a steady increase, with the number of shops increasing from 1,400 to 1,600 in the last two years alone.

Technology and Automation

As is the case with many other industries, the auto-body repair industry in New Zealand is increasingly being driven by technology and automation. Many new auto-body shops are now equipped with the latest machinery and diagnostic tools, allowing for higher accuracy and faster repairs.

Auto-body repair shops are also reliant on increasingly sophisticated software. Tools such as cloud-based asset management systems and vehicle measurement systems are becoming increasingly popular among auto-body repair shops due to the efficiency they bring to the repair process.

The increasing use of technology and automation in the auto-body repair industry has led to the emergence of new roles, such as technicians and software developers, as well as improved wages for existing staff.

Vocational Training and Qualifications

The auto-body repair industry in New Zealand is highly reliant on skilled professionals. Vocational training and qualifications are essential for aspiring auto-body repair technicians. This is especially true in light of the increasing automation of the industry.

Currently, there are a number of qualifications available for auto-body repair technicians, including:

  • Certificate in Automotive Body Repair
  • Advanced Certificate in Automotive Body Repair
  • Diploma in Automotive Body Repair

These qualifications provide a solid foundation for auto-body repair technicians, allowing them to build the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the industry. In addition, many employers in the auto-body repair industry offer apprenticeships and other vocational training opportunities.


The auto-body repair industry in New Zealand has seen considerable growth over the past few years, and should continue to do so in the years ahead. Technology and automation have played a key role in the industry’s growth, and will continue to do so. Vocational training and qualifications are key to ensure that auto-body repair technicians can remain competitive in the industry.