New Zealand’s E-Government: The State of Affairs


New Zealand’s e-government sector has been actively developing in the past few years in an effort to provide citizens with easier access to public services, strengthen democracy and reduce costs. As one of the fastest growing digital economies in the world, the country has been investing in the development of digital infrastructure and digital services as a means to support economic growth. This article provides an overview of the current state of e-government in New Zealand, outlining some of the key initiatives and developments.

Government Services Online

The New Zealand e-government platform, which is called Government Services Online (GSO), is a secure, web-based platform which provides citizens with access to government services and information. GSO enables citizens to view and transact with government agencies, exchange information and access services such as applying for a visa, registering a business or renewing a license. Citizens also have the ability to access and update personal information, such as updating their address or obtaining a health card. In addition to providing access to services, GSO also offers the ability to track the progress of applications.

The GSO platform is developed and maintained by the Department of Internal Affairs. The platform is designed to be accessible, secure, and compliant with government standards and processes. GSO is currently in its third version, which was launched in 2017 and includes a range of features and improvements. The platform has received praise for its user-friendly design and intuitive navigation, with many citizens now using the platform to access government services.

Digital Transformation and Innovation

The e-government strategy of the New Zealand government focuses on digital transformation and innovation. As part of this strategy, the government has been investing in the development of digital infrastructure and digital services. This investment is aimed at supporting economic growth and providing citizens with easy access to government services.

To facilitate digital transformation and innovation, the government has implemented a range of initiatives, such as the Digital Transformation Fund, which provides funding for digital projects, and the Digital Innovation Lab, which supports the development of digital services and collaboration between government agencies. The government has also launched a range of initiatives to streamline processes and improve efficiency, such as using cloud technology to reduce costs and improve performance.

The government is also investing in the development of digital skills and capabilities, in order to ensure e-government initiatives are successful. The government has launched initiatives such as the Digital Skills Alliance, which provides resources, guidance and training to government agencies on adopting digital practices and tools, and the Digital Capability Framework, which supports the development of digital skills within the public sector.

Data Security and Privacy

Data security and privacy are key considerations when it comes to e-government initiatives. The New Zealand government has implemented a range of measures to ensure the security of its government systems and the privacy of its citizens. These measures include:

  • Authentication: The GSO platform uses two-factor authentication to ensure the security of user accounts.
  • Encryption: All data is encrypted to ensure the security of sensitive information.

In addition, the government has also implemented the Public Sector Privacy Act, which requires government agencies to take measures to protect personal information and comply with data protection regulations. The government also has policies and procedures in place for collecting, using, storing and disclosing personal information.

The government is also working to improve the access and use of data, by investing in initiatives such as the Data Hub, which enables government agencies to securely exchange data, and the Open Data Portal, which provides access to public data.


E-government initiatives are an integral part of the government’s digital transformation and innovation strategy and are helping New Zealand become a more digital and connected society. The GSO platform is providing citizens with easy access to government services and is helping to drive economic growth. In addition, the government is taking steps to ensure the security and privacy of citizens and their data.

The New Zealand e-government sector is in a very dynamic state, with many initiatives and developments taking place. As the sector continues to grow and evolve, citizens can expect to see improved access to government services and improved security.